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Class Options

I think working out should bring you joy and really make you feel awesome! And that starts with finding movement that speaks to both your body and mind. 

Class Offerings...

PROPS for all of my Class Options: a mat for comfort and a small set of weights or two are optional. You will always need a wall OR chair that comes up to at least your sternum OR a wall that you feel comfortable leaning on. A small exercise ball, resistance band, yoga blocks, and infinity band are all props that can improve your practice and deepen your engagement. If you have any of those, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to teach with any prop you have access to.


No Impact

Strength. Length. Flexibility. Focus.

This class is packed with all of my favorite ways to move your whole body! With a format like Lagree, deep burn like a barre class, and transitions that fit together like a yoga flow, you'll create length, strength, flexibility, and endurance all in one class. This class has everything you need to strengthen the entire body safely and effectively with NO impact and lots of focus on form that will come in handy in ANY fitness routine.

Circuit Workit

Medium Impact

Strength. Stamina. Cardio. Intent.

Ready for some sweaty sweaty stamina building moves? This class is a unique and fun way to get some cardio in. The definition of a Circuit is a workout technique involving a series of exercises performed in rotation with minimal rest. This class is designed to use repetitive poses and movements that build each time you do them. We begin with a warm-up, a set of abs, and head right into three circuits, each 9 minutes long, with a short recovery stretch in between. We'll end with a nice stretch to cool down and recover.

Cardio Mix Burn

No to Medium Impact

Strength. Cardio. Stability. Stamina.

My Cardio Mix Burn Class is organized around the same principles as my Burn Class with intermittent bursts of cardio to get you a little sweatier and add a challenge. It's a great way to get up into an anaerobic zone to burn some extra fat, relieve stress, and wake up your fast twitch muscle fibers There will be moves that take us off the ground, but if you still need to keep it no-impact, don't skip this one. I love offering options and modifications in all of my classes.


No Impact

yoga mat.png
Strength. Flexibilily. Focus. Mobility.

No counts, no rush. This is a slower paced class, but don't be fooled. It is designed to be lead by the client's breath and when that aligns with movement, we can find a lot of intensity. Improve your flexibility and create some calm by adding this class to your weekly practice.

The Who and Where


One on One

A One on One Session is a great way to work on your form, focus on specific physical and mental goals, and can fit into any schedule. You set the time and place. Choose a class option from above or request a mix.



We connect using the Zoom app, with quality video provided by an Obsbot Tiny Camera and music integration for a great at-home workout experience. Pick your movement, who you want to do it with, set up your space, and we're ready to go! 



If you enjoy working out with a teammate, this is an awesome option! It's also a great way to get individualized attention at a cheaper rate. You and your teammate set the time and place. Choose a class option from above or request a mix.


In Person

Due to the pandemic, getting a workout in can seem harder than usual. If you learn better in-person, I am happy to accommodate that. Inside OR outside, with the help of PPE, we can meet up safely and get you moving. If you have any COVID related questions, please reach out.



My Virtual Group Classes are a fun way to connect with others and get a workout in. Try out my teaching style easily before committing to a private appointment or visit me every week for some movement. These classes are  all on Zoom.



By far the most flexible option and a great addition to your other bookings. A great way to fit workouts into a busy and changing schedule. See a Virtual Group Class you want to take, but the time doesn't fit your schedule? I'll send you the class recording so you can do it when it's convenient. All recording library is streamed via Vimeo.

Got some ideas of how you want to

move and with whom?


Let's do it!

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